I am in search of info on the Dancer family – will be listing deceased names below. I found a possible relative on the Dawes Roll, that are in my family with a different middle name.
Beulah Dancer
She has a different name from the Dawes Roll, and FindAGrave. I’m not sure if this makes a difference. I went down the “geanology rabbit hole” and found more of my dad’s family, which is where I am told we’re Cherokee, but his dad cut ties with the tribe, I’d love to be affilated with the tribe, however.
Other (Deceased) relatives from no later than the 1990s. (CAPS shows a marriage into the family and a maiden name).
Ben F. Dancer 1868-1961
Benjamin Jonas Dancer 1920-1978
Bertie May GRIGGS Dancer 1884-1979
Ella May Dancer 1917-1995
Henry Andrew Dancer 1908-1987
Henry B. Dancer 1874-1898
Jonas Franklin Dancer 1836-1899
Jonas William Dancer 1892-1971
Leanah REAVES Dancer 1828-1881
Octavia Lenora SMOOT Dancer 1892-1963
Phylura SKALINDER Dancer 1878-1957
Prescott Lavan Dancer 1925-2001
Walter Jonas Dancer 1871-1966
Willeta Rose Dancer 1923-1986
Andrew Jackson GRIGGS 1866-1930
James Jim “Roy” GRIGGS 1901-1941
From what I know, we’re pretty much all from Texas, but there’s a chance I’m wrong.
*All of the GRIGGS were married into our family, from the looks of the tree. No stillborn, or infant deaths are being put on the list, either, as I doubt there was a chance for any form of tribal enrollment. Some of the families suffered many stillborn infants back in that day, since modern medicine wasn’t around before I’d imagine the reason being. Some infants were alive for a week up to 3 mo.*
If anyone has ANY info on the aforementioned names, please contact me…
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