All Things Cherokee has helped thousands of families with their Cherokee genealogy research. We offer tons of free information as well as genealogy services to help you find answers to your genealogy questions. FREE … Continue Reading

All Things Cherokee is an online resource for Cherokee genealogy information, history, culture, and art.
All Things Cherokee has helped thousands of families with their Cherokee genealogy research. We offer tons of free information as well as genealogy services to help you find answers to your genealogy questions. FREE … Continue Reading
At least once a week I receive a question about how to prove Cherokee ancestry or join the tribe. Joining the tribe is a common goal among Cherokee genealogy hobbyists. But did you know that there are actually three federally-recognized Cherokee … Continue Reading
You're an Indian? What part? That's the universal question many mixed-blood American Indians are asked every day. How many times have you mentioned in passing that you are Cherokee to find your conversation interrupted by intrusive questions about … Continue Reading
Born and raised in Tulsa, Martha Berry moved to Texas in 1977, but has remained active in Cherokee Nation art and current … [Read More...]
Cherokee, North Carolina is the capital of Qualla Boundary, home to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians - a federally-recognized tribe of more than … [Read More...]
Today marks the 186 year anniversary of the first publication of an American Indian newspaper. On February 21, 1828 the first issue of the Cherokee … [Read More...]
William Penn Adair Rogers was born to Clement "Clem" Vann Rogers and Mary America Schrimsher on November 4, 1879 in Cooweescoowee District, Cherokee … [Read More...]